Isnin, 22 November 2010

alway's positive can make me cheer's!!!

before aku start typing 4 my assignment...nak bercerita sikit lah what happen 4 today..
mcm2 blaku dalam masa yg terlalu singkat ni..walaupun today class cuma ada satu ja..
class today pkul 2pm - 3pm..only 1hour..then after class leypark kat library kejap..
reading n research somethings news 4 my information la...sementara nak tggu pjumpaan kul 5pm..
class today bt tutorial 4 chapter 1,alhamdulillah..aku boley jer follow this subject very well 4 this time la..hopefully...xdak masalah lah dgn calculation 4 this chapter.. Subset still more outstanding lg...chaiyok!!!i can !!!

xdak value point for my class today..just wanna story about what happen di luar klas..
firstly,alhamdulillah..bersyukur sgt2 dgn tuah yg aku dpt neh...satu peluang yg sgt n tersgt lah berharga n xsemua student dpt pluang neh...nama aku dicalonkan dalam senarai Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar(MPP)..wahhh...confident je ni nk pegang tanggungjwb yg besar n dah semestinya sgt lah tercabar..
tp..aku terima penawaran ni 4 my future n wanna make sure to improve my attitude as a gooood'est a proud' est daughter to my parent n as a sempoy gurl to all my fwendz..especially wanna be a super wonder gurl to my hubby!!!
berangan la plak...
mmg aku ni minah berangan..sebab aku sentiasa nak menang n mendahului segala2nya..
haha...hebat x???hehe..mampu ke??
soal kemampuan ..usya lengan ah...heheh^_^
ape pn..belum cuba belum tau kan,xsalah kalau mencuba..mana lah tau ada rezeki..alhamdulillah lah...tercapai gak matlamat n impian aku selama ni..
haa..cerita pasal positif ni..bukan apa...aku ni satu je sikap buruk..suka fkir negatif kdg2 tuh..pastu xdapat kawal perasaan lah..tu lah satu2 yg kureng dlam diri neh..skrg ni aku sedang jalankan terapi untuk diri sendiri..hehe..hopefully i can lah...can alway's positive coz i wanna be a cheerful gurlz..hehehe^_^

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